In the past week I've been keeping so busy that I totally forgot to give my mind a thought on a thought and time to my blog. And when today something struck, I planned to sqeeze my schedule a little and scribble a little here .
Today, definitions have evolved. Being selfish is no more a vice, being arrogant is the new pride and so on. One such alteration to the classic Oxford book is the modification to the word spelled "modern" by the one spelled "western". I mean there are people in today's time who call themselves modern just on the context of a few characteristics like eating fast food, following latest fashion trends, buying rich brands of clothes and hi-ing to elders or the smart shrinking of the texts. The clothing today is supposed to be an indicator of ideologies.
But people need to learn that mind and clothes are two very very different areas of the body. When we open our minds and accept the freedom from the right attitude, then only we're allowed to tag ourselves modern. Is the tag of any use if you're wearing a Spykar and a Hilfiger and treating women like a slave? Is it of any use when you're spilling pizza toppings on the ground and at the same time the kids of your servant are dying of hunger? If you want to be modern, the opening up of the mind is the first step, and you can't leap-frog over it. Being modern though is modifying the past and adapting to future, but in this adaption, the human inside should not die. I'm not trying to be noble by saying that westernization is a vice, it isn't. But in there, an Indian should always keep living.
In shades of pink and shades of white, As an armor of a plucky knight; At a certain point of day in time, Thou beauty of the summer, thou shine. Three days for the life you wait, Three days to come off your adolescent age; Three days until that green bud sprouts, Three days until your Beauty you flout. Awaiting a time long you once shine, At a morning that all, but you, whine; No sorrow no sign of meloncholy you show, Even though this life you live is miniscule of a blow. Thine head held high with pride, Thine salute to the sun, big smile; Thine beauty above all at prime, Thou Beauty of summer, thou shine. This is the pride that envies me above all, The pride in spite of a life so small; A day thou have, a day that's all, Then too you live life so gay, so tall. With the cheer thou spread across horizons wide, With colours which as the sun, or even bright; The lesson you teach across generations wide, A life lived large is a ...
ReplyDeleteha.the same i also thought. but I'm following this stupid policy of writing short so...
Deleteha.the same i also thought. but I'm following this stupid policy of writing short so...