In shades of pink and shades of white, As an armor of a plucky knight; At a certain point of day in time, Thou beauty of the summer, thou shine. Three days for the life you wait, Three days to come off your adolescent age; Three days until that green bud sprouts, Three days until your Beauty you flout. Awaiting a time long you once shine, At a morning that all, but you, whine; No sorrow no sign of meloncholy you show, Even though this life you live is miniscule of a blow. Thine head held high with pride, Thine salute to the sun, big smile; Thine beauty above all at prime, Thou Beauty of summer, thou shine. This is the pride that envies me above all, The pride in spite of a life so small; A day thou have, a day that's all, Then too you live life so gay, so tall. With the cheer thou spread across horizons wide, With colours which as the sun, or even bright; The lesson you teach across generations wide, A life lived large is a ...
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