This year I've written no letter for you, this year I didn't buy you a gift, this year I didn't buy the cake(that was by mistake though) but this time, I've just given a thought far from the real realm and seen what life would've been without a second dad dangling around.
Well, first of all, I would've had all Maggis and chocolates alone. I would've never met with that accident, the scars of which still remain. I would've never faced the humiliation of not scoring an equal enough marks from hussain ma'am and the likes. But this side of the seesaw is on the upper end. What's on the other heavier side is much more in quantity and quality.
I would've never learnt how to ride a bicycle or the scooty; I would've never gotten two birthday gifts in an year(yours and mine if you remember); I would've never got an upper hand in maths or computers; I would've never been in a safe and happy environment without a hostel; I would've stopped eating paper; I would've never been studyng economics; and the list seems endless.
I could've written a lot but all that I'll write, will go in bin as my last letter. Moreover, I have an exam tomorrow if which I've hardly prepared. So, to wrap up, this post is not that great because it's really very hard to imagine my life without you... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADA...
In shades of pink and shades of white, As an armor of a plucky knight; At a certain point of day in time, Thou beauty of the summer, thou shine. Three days for the life you wait, Three days to come off your adolescent age; Three days until that green bud sprouts, Three days until your Beauty you flout. Awaiting a time long you once shine, At a morning that all, but you, whine; No sorrow no sign of meloncholy you show, Even though this life you live is miniscule of a blow. Thine head held high with pride, Thine salute to the sun, big smile; Thine beauty above all at prime, Thou Beauty of summer, thou shine. This is the pride that envies me above all, The pride in spite of a life so small; A day thou have, a day that's all, Then too you live life so gay, so tall. With the cheer thou spread across horizons wide, With colours which as the sun, or even bright; The lesson you teach across generations wide, A life lived large is a ...
Ah! Siblings and their love and their rivalry! Always special! :)